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History of boxing "Boxing 3" In this section of our site you will find games dedicated to boxing - a contact sport where athletes in special gloves inflict a series of blows on each other. Boxing is one of the oldest sports that has survived to this day. The very first image of this martial art was found in a Sumerian cave and dates back to the third century BC, and the images of the ancient Egyptian bas-relief of the second century BC give us an image of not only boxers, but also spectators. Fisticuffs are also captured in ancient Indian manuscripts: in the Ramayana, the Vedas, the Mahabharata. Boxing with gloves has found confirmation of its ancient history in archaeological finds that speak of the period 1500 - 900 BC in Crete and the mountains of Sardinia from the period 2000 - 1000 BC. Ancient Greece, which is known for its Olympic Games, included boxing in the program of this event in 688 BC. Moreover, it is believed that the rules for boxing were invented by Hercules himself, and the Spartans, before mastering the technique of owning a sword, studied at a boxing school! "Boxing 2" During training, one of the ways to hone punches was to hit the sandbag, which is very reminiscent of today's punching bags. In ancient Rome, boxing was no less popular, which led to the fact that the emperors also sometimes took part in boxing matches, and the first was Caesar Nero. In the famous "Aeneid" there is a description of a boxing match between Entell and Dares. True, in 393, boxing was banned due to the fact that it caused serious injuries and was considered barbaric. But this did not completely eradicate boxing, and in some provinces they did not forget about it, and in the 13th century they legalized it again. You can often find the name "English boxing". This is because in some countries there are games based on boxing, but with their own differences. So, for example, in France it is savat, in Myanmar it is lethwei, and in Thailand it is muaf thai. In classical boxing, the fight is controlled by a referee and lasts from three to twelve rounds. When the opponent, after a blow and fall, cannot rise to his feet for ten seconds (knockout) or receives an injury that is not compatible with the further conduct of the fight (technical knockout), a defeat is counted to him. If the rounds are over, but not a single boxer is knocked out, the judges award the victory to the one who scored more technical scores. Techniques of the game Boxing "Boxing 1" There are several techniques in boxing, and boxers develop in one of the directions that suits them best: - boxer-puncher - outfighter - swarmer or infighter - brawler or slugger What a long and interesting history of boxing wakes up respect and makes you look at it in a special way. Throw out your energy playing games Boxing For true boxing fans and those who just love games with the ability to show strength, many different computer games have been created. Boxing games in this section are presented in a wide range, and you have the opportunity to choose not only a classic fight, but also turn to games created on the basis of the boxing game. There are no boundaries for computer technology and the imagination of developers, and they offer you to measure your strength with the help of athletes, robots, cows, Santa Clauses or fill the face of one of the celebrities. Well, sometimes you just want to misbehave without consequences, and if your fists itch, then you are welcome to boxing online games. Even boxing between husband and wife in a boxing ring can defuse the situation and prevent a scandal in your own family. Choose one of the versions of the game, and you can become a boxing champion in any weight category, regardless of your current build.