Audrey Adopts a Puppy (Audrey Adopts a Puppy)
In Audrey Adopts a Puppy, you'll help beautiful Audrey open her own pet beauty salon. Audrey decided to serve four-legged customers completely free of charge and she did not have to wait long. Soon a funny puppy of an unknown breed appeared on the threshold, its color cannot be seen because of the thick layer of dirt that has settled on its back, ears, paws and tummy. Take washcloths and create a rich foam, it will help dissolve dirty lumps, and then rinse with strong water pressure until there is not a single dirty spot left. Dry the baby with a soft towel and comb the thick coat with a brush. To finish the job, dress up the puppy and he will become Audrey's favorite pet and help her welcome new visitors to Audrey Adopts a Puppy.